Flowlayout java stackoverflow
Flowlayout java stackoverflow

flowlayout java stackoverflow

* Constructs a new VerticalFlowLayout with the specified * default 5-unit horizontal and vertical gap. * Constructs a new VerticalFlowLayout with a centered alignment and a * the rows and the borders of the Container. * specify the space between rows and between the * specify the space between components and between * The flow layout manager allows a seperation of Int align // This is the one we actually use * It can be one of the following three values: * how each column distributes empty space. * This value indicates that each row of components Public class VerticalFlowLayout implements LayoutManager, * The line alignment is determined by the align * horizontally until no more buttons fit on the same line.

flowlayout java stackoverflow

* determined by the container's componentOrientation * A flow layout arranges components in a directional flow, much It is a copy of the FlowLayout class with some of the logic changed to be "vertically" oriented instead of "horizontally" oriented: import java.awt.* Here is an example of a VerticalFlowLayout. Solved! Please see the answers below as well as my answer. Also, I really don't understand how the JScrollPane interacts will these classes. I'm pretty shaky when it comes to modifying the VerticalWrapLayout class. Now, this sets up the labels in vertical columns in the way that I'm after, but it still creates the vertical scroll bar. JScrollPane pane = new JScrollPane(panel) Here is my frame setup: JFrame frame = new JFrame() įtDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE) Private void addRow(Dimension dim, int rowWidth, int rowHeight)ĭim.width = Math.max(dim.width, rowWidth)


* dim update the width and height when appropriate * to update the preferred size for the container. Removing the horizontal gap is an easy way to do this.Ĭontainer scrollPane = SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(JScrollPane.class, target) target containter so shrinking the container size works make sure the preferred size is less than the size of the When using a scroll pane or the DecoratedLookAndFeel we need to RowHeight = Math.max(rowHeight, d.height) ĭim.height += + insets.bottom + vgap * 2 Add a horizontal gap for all components after the first Int nmembers = target.getComponentCount() Int maxWidth = targetWidth - horizontalInsetsAndGap Int horizontalInsetsAndGap = insets.left + insets.right + (hgap * 2) Int targetWidth = target.getSize().width has not yet been calculated so lets ask for the maximum. When the container width = 0, the preferred width of the container Each row must fit with the width allocated to the containter. Private Dimension layoutSize(Container target, boolean preferred) * the dimension to layout the target container * preferred should preferred size be calculated

flowlayout java stackoverflow

* Returns the minimum or preferred dimension needed to layout the target * subcomponents of the specified Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container target)ĭimension minimum = layoutSize(target, false) * components contained in the specified target container. * Returns the minimum dimensions needed to layout the visible * subcomponents of the specified Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container target) * the preferred dimensions to lay out the * target the component which needs to be laid out * visible components in the specified target container. * Returns the preferred dimensions for this layout given the Public VerticalWrapLayout(int align, int hgap, int vgap) * vgap the vertical gap between components * hgap the horizontal gap between components * and the indicated horizontal and vertical gaps. * Creates a new flow layout manager with the indicated alignment * The value of the alignment argument must be one of * Constructs a new FlowLayout with the specified * alignment and a default 5-unit horizontal and vertical gap. Let me draw a picture: +-+ =| =| WrapLayout with a left The components within the layout will be JLabels. As described in the title, I've been trying to set up sort of a vertical flow layout with horizontal scrolling.

Flowlayout java stackoverflow