Apache tomcat error
Apache tomcat error

apache tomcat error

These files will need to be placed in the C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\cm6\web-inf\bin\ folder. Use sqljdbc4.jar if you have java 6 or newer Use sqljdbc.jar if you have java 5.5 or older In your CourseMill.cfg file you will see JDBCDriver=.SQLServerDriver if your MsSQL is using JDBC.


If you using JDBC to connect to CourseMill to your MsSQL database, you will need to also update your database driver.

apache tomcat error

Generally speaking it’s a good idea to keep the latest version.īefore making any changes to a server it’s a good idea to back up your server before making any changes to the server and schedule some down time with your users. First you will need to figure out which one to keep.


It’s a good idea to only have one version of java install and that is your only version. Java5 will show “1.5.X_XX” What to do if you find two versions of Java (or version running is not configured) Open the Command Prompt window and type java –version then press return. Java5 will be in C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.X_XX Determining what version of Java is Running Here you will want to see what folder the bin\client\jvm.dll file is in. If Tomcat is installed in the default location you will find the Tomcat Configuration tool at C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\bin\tomcat7w.exe In the Java tab of this tool you can define the Java Virtual Machine. In the file around line 47 you will find a variable called workers.java_home, this is where CourseMill will find the version of Java that it will use. If Tomcat was installed in the default location, you should find the worker.Properties file in the C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\conf\ folder. There are a few places where Java is configured to work with Tomcat and CourseMill. Java5 will be in C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.X_XX What version is configured to work with CourseMill Java6 will be in C:\Program Files\Java\jre6 folder

apache tomcat error

Java’s default path for installing is in the C:\Program Files\Java\ it’s also a good Idea to check this path on any other hard drive that might be installed on the server. Determining what version of Java is installed While on your server try going to if you get anything other than a a message like Page cannot be displayed or 404 type error, you will need to find the other program using the 8080 port. To fix this, log-in as administrator of the server. If your user ID doesn’t have permission to start Tomcat, you will get an Application System Error that reads Access is Denied. Most common issue with Tomcat note starting is that Java is not configured properly, user trying to start Tomcat does not have permissions to do so, or another program is using port 8080 on that server. I am also the providing the data presented in and web.Tomcat Will Not Start Tomcat Will Not Start Finding cause Tomcat6->webapps->DemoApp(Myapplication)->WEB-INF->classes-> but when I am trying the application it is showing me the 404 status error. Now when I try " it is showing me the home page of tomcat. So I changed the port number of "server.xml" in "conf" folder in "tomcat" by following the link "". Say like " it showed me Oracle home page. And also executing fine while I am trying to run the program in Eclipse.īut while I am trying manually from browser.

Apache tomcat error